Sunday, December 13, 2009

Wednesday 12/9/09

On Wednesday it was considered dead day at sjsu. There was no classes in session just maybe study sessions and stuff like that. So i didnt have class for lld1, math19, or muse. The next following days and next week are just for finals. I got my results back from my final in lld1 and i didnt pass. Meaning i have to go to community college. On Tuesday and Wednesday of these week i have finals at 945am-12noon for muse and engineering.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Monday 12/7/09

Today i didnt have my lld1 class because we already had finals on saturday. I think i didnt do so well, but i wont get my results untill friday. Also my professor has office hours this week by appointment only. If i dont pass my final for lld1 i will have to go to a community college. So today i got to wake up later than usually and found that there was alot of snow on the mountain tops. I had my math class today at1030am and we went over the topics on the final and then had a quiz. Today was our last class in math but we have a reiview session on wednesday. In muse class we are just making sure we have everthing done. We are writing our 4 year get internet famous plan and looking at the views on our videos. I am down about 100 views. Later today my brother has a basketball game vs. Lynbrook high at 7pm.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Wednesday 12/2/09

Dang itt..second time i forgot to blog on the right day. I just was too busy and not thinking about blogging. Well aways yesturday in my LLD1 class we just talked for bit then my professor opened it up for offices hours. I went to her office to talk about my essay and then during my break i went to MLK Library to study. Then in math19 we just took notes and reviewed homework. In muse class we individually talked to cindy and professor dan about our grades, how we are doing, and scholarly paper. He pushed the date farer so it is now due Monday. Later that day i went to my brothers basketball tournment at james lick high school. I kept stats and they won against overfelt by at least 15 points. Today they play Palo Alto at 630pm. So this weekend i have my first final for english and i just gotta get studying.