Monday, November 30, 2009

MUSE Interview

Patrick Hennessey Interviewed Matt Won

Jose Interviewed Natalie

MUSE Interview

Patrick Hennessey Interviewed Matt Won

Jose Interviewed Natalie

November 30 2009 Monday

What i tiring weekend. Starting from Wednesday night i had to go to Vans shoe outlet at great mall because that was our training for Friday. My friend job my a one day job at Vans because they need more help on Black Friday. So on Wednesday night i had training from 8pm-10pm and didnt get home till about 11ish. On Thrusday it was thanksgiving and i just slept the whole day and ate a turkey dinner my mom made because at midnight i had to go to great mall to work. Lucky my dad drove me to great mall because there was no way i was gonna make it on time to work and find a space. The mall was packed with people and long lines. My dad even had to drop me off at the stoplight because he couldnt get in to the parkinglot. It was that crowded. And in the mall it was packed to. As soon as i got to Vans, my manager put me straight to work because people were starting to shoplift. This was my first experience working and it was tiring. I had to stand the whole 8 hours from 12-830am. I didnt take any breaks and only had a quick 30 minuite lunch. Vans store was very crowded and i saw lots of my friends come in. I learned it is hard work to earn so little money. As soon as i got off work, i went home and slept. Then later that night my family and i went to my grandparents house to have thanksgiving. It was soo good. Then friday night i got a call from Vans saying they need help on saturday from 6am till whenever. I said okkay and i went to sleep early and got up on saturday morning at 5am. The store was a mess when we got in at 630am. Our job was clean it up and the manager said we made about $35000, we are the one of the top 10 stores in the mall. After that the rest of my weekend i just slept or did homework.

today woke up at 630am to get to my lld1 class at 730am. on my way to school my car seemed a bit different. i could shift gears. in my lld1 class foundout my final is this saturday. in math class we did our normal stuff and in muse class went over scholoaly paper and someother stuff. later im goin to the st. marys bball game at sjsu and work out.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wednesday 11/25/09

Its just one minute past 1pm now and today has been okay. Woke up around 930am to get ready for only 1 class at sjsu today. My lld1 and muse class have been furloughed because this is the day before thanksgiving. So i only had my math19 class and only about 25 students showed up. My professor also give free krespy kreme donuts. Then i got my exam back that i did horrible on. I thought i was going to do better but i guess i thought wrong. i then got a call from Vans because i am going to work there on Black friday and they told me i have to come in today at 8pm-10pm. I also need to sign up for spring 2010 classes today at 2pm. So ive got to go now cause ive got hw to do and im getting busy.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday 11/23/09

Its midday right now and im just chilling with Nate in the MLK library at sjsu. I just got out of my muse class about 15 minutes ago. On Friday i got my paycheck from easyhoops bball league. What a tiring day i had to refee 4 games in a row but then we went out to round table pizza. I also got to see my cousins 350z. On saturday i went to my brothers bball pratice in the morning and then went to my cousins bday party in redwood city. On sunday i just stayed home the whole day and tryed to do some homework but mainly i just surfed the net, washed my car, and watch the music awards. Today in lld1 class we took our last in class essay about the california drivers test should be changed. We also have a furlough day on wednesday for lld1. In math class went went over homework and took new notes. On wednesday we will get back our exams and have free food in class. In muse class we went over job or careers and we will have no class on wednesday. I am suppose to attach the radio broadcast on my blog. For the rest of the day i think i am going to stay in the library to get done some homework and then hopefully later i can work out.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wednesday 11/18/09

First time i forgot to blog on the right day. I must of got distracted our sidetrack and forgot to blog yesturday. Well any ways yesturday woke up as normal at 630am to get to school by 730am. It is very cold in the mornings now and i dont wanna get out of bed. In lld1 class we study global warming more and learned about the essay format we should write in. In math19 class we just went over our homework and then took more notes. We also have a exam 4 this friday. In muse class we did our interviews with a senior and peer mentor using the radio broadcast. Our 2nd draft of our scholarly paper is due next wednesday i believe.

Today was fun. My engineering class was canceled so i got to go to the DC (dining commons) food hall. They were having free food from 11am-3pm. Also i am staying at school till 8ish today cause im about to go to a volleyball game.

Ill ttyl cause i gotta finish up my hw.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday 11-16-09

For muse class i need to make 5 or so questions to ask a peer mentor. This will be for our radio project. Also we need to work on our scholarly paper. Professor Dan has looked over some of them and sent it back to us. 2nd draft is due this friday. Update our blog sites with adsense, Facebook, etc. Think about what we should do for our final. Email Jose Z. my questions for peermentor. Our final is on Tuesday December 15 945-12noon.

Questions for Peer Mentor:
1. Was this your first choice in college? why or why not?
2. How did your freshman year go? Did you get involved? Do you regret anything?
3. What are some of the clubs, events, etc. to attend while i am still a freshman?
4. Why are you a peer mentor?
5. What are some pitfalls we freshman should look out for? both academic and social?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wednesday Nov 11, 2009

Today was Veteran's day so i didnt have class today. I actually hear the community colleges still had class today but they get friday off. lol i get friday off anyways because it is a school wide furlough day. i only had 3 days of class this week. FTW
So today i woke up kinda late, and then went to eat lunch at Hot Pot City in milpitas. It was pretty good, it just takes along time to cook your food. After that i went home and finished my homework. I had to work on my Term Paper for Engineering. Later that night i went to my brothers bball practice at MPHS and we scrimmaged them.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Monday November 9, 2009

Brrr...In the morning today it was really cold and i didnt want to get out of bed at 630am. I had LLD1 class at 730am so needed to get up. It was freezing! Anyways i actually got to school earlier than usual today for some reason. In LLD1 class today we got back our essays from LDC and went over the next essay prompt for our final topic on Global Warming. I forgot my booket so i had to share with a friend. BTW on my essay i got back i improved by 1 point from a 2 to a 3. I think everyone improved because i asked my friend Alex and he said he got one point higher too. Anyways after class i did some homework in clark hall with Alex. Then it was to my Math19 class which it was hard for me to stay awake in and we just went over new material and took a interesting quiz at the end of class. Next i went to my Muse class which no one was really in. Half the class was missing and people where like leaving. Also i found out Friday was a furlough day and we have wednesday off because of Vet's day. So i only have 2 more days of class left. In muse class we made sure everyone has seen an advisor and hows how to add classes for spring semester. also we went over scholarly paper and radio podcast. Later that day just did my normal work out and saw loc. then picked up brother and now at home chilling.

For my weekend, it was okay. Sunday went to my friend's Ed's charity BBQ in Gilroy at Performance art. Kinda of a low turnout but it was all good. Just a place to chill with friends and do photoshoots. haha. My friend Andy rolled down with me on his r6. Rest of the weekend just slept and did homework. Cant wait for next weekend though cause of HellaFlush event on saturday! =D

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wednesday Nov 4, 2009

Chill day as usual. Woke up around 630am to get to class by 730am. In LLD1 class we went over the first essay prompt in our exam booklets and then took a quick open notes quiz about it. Also our teacher told us we only have 4 more classes left because of veterans day next wed. and thanksgiving in the upcoming week. Our homework is to read the next prompt and then find more infomation about global warming. More facts and stats would be best. At break i just surfed the net instead of studying and doing homework which i should of been doing. In math19 we went over the next chapter and took notes. In muse class we didnt get to watch any of the videos because we did something bad. We took copyright music and put it in our videos. Once youtube finds out they will take our videos off. We also learned about RSS feeds. After class i worked out and saw my coach. Then had to meet up with my friends to get some flyers for a car show on sat.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Conversation with University Leadership Monday 11/2/09

Today i went to the conversation with the President and VP of undergrad studies. It took place in the library on the second floor in one of the private rooms. Our Muse class went to this in place of class because our professor was out of town. The room was pretty packed when i got there because i had class before this and it started at 12 noon sharp. There was about 60-70 or so people in the room and there were also free snacks like cookies, brownies, lemenade, and water. I had to sit in the front because all the middle and back seats where taken already. It started off with Ally Gomez a peer mentor greeting everyone. Then she handed the mic over to Andrew Wood with is the director of sjsu peer mentor program. He introduced the people speakers and then go the show started. Dennis Jaehne is the VP of undergrad studies, Jon Whitmore is the president of SJSU, Katherine Casey and Natalie Quilici are the peer mentors chosen to read the questions. This was a open forum where anyone can ask questions to the president and the VP. One of the questions was, how is their typical day like at sjsu. They both replied with, there is no typical day because everyday is different. They go to lots of meetings and their overall goal is to invision the future growing and improving. The only differece the VP has between the president is the VP has more meetings to go to about academic studies. The next question was advice they would give to students. They said since the budget cuts and the economy is bad and no one has money any more, much more people take their studies more seriously. They also say try to get off to a good start, and it is just more than classroom performance. Get help from faculty, get involved, join clubs, and this is how you find your networks and meet new people that may end up getting you a job or helping you in your future. Another question is what do they vision for the next year at sjsu. They said the goal is to make university stronger, but since there is less money it will be challenging. We can cut or decline more students and graduate more seniors students and shape the incoming class better. We also can improve the technology sustain ability. Dont drop out of college. This is why we created muse classes because to maintain quality time with faculty. The next question was about remial classes. They said last year at sjsu it was 12% over enrolled and had unlimited enrollment. This year they had almost the same about of students 30,000 and cut $44 million. Furlough days equals to 10% reduction in pay. Most remdial classes are english. Next quesition was how to we help out with money for college. They joked and said we take donations. When they talk about "we" it is the california. The reason why we have a limit of 14 units is because it will give everyone an equal chance to sign up and get their classes.

Monday November 2, 2009

Didnt get much sleep yesturday night because i was waiting for my video to upload on youtube. it took freaking forever. and i ended up just turning off my computer and watching it the today. Anyways my weekend was okay. Friday i had work as usual and i had to stay the whole time till 930pm. We had megabite pizza and there was one incident where my friend Dom, the head ref in our league kicked out an angry coach that wanted to protest. It was crazy. seems like always all the chaos happens when i ref. ahha. On saturday it was halloween. In the morning i went to santana row with my dad and met my friends don and harry there. It was their exotic car meet. Saw some really nice cars. like ferraris 16M scudaria. nsx's and much more. also the founder of Monster Cables was there in his 2 ferraris. pretty sick. i should of took a picture with him. After that we went to redwood city to eat dim sum with my grandparents. Came back home and i stayed home and did homework while my brother went out with his friends trick or treating. On sunday we went shopping and then came home and i work on my video project. also we had to turn our clocks back and we got an extra hour of sleep. also i got some freshjive jeans. my first pair of fitted jeans. haha

today was just a regular day of school. LLD1 we just went over our final prompt on global warming. in math19 i had no idea what i was doing on the homework. hard stuff. we took a quiz which i though was kinda easy. i got my exam back and i finally passed and got credit for my exam. in muse class we went to the conversion with the president because prof. dan wasnt there.