Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wednesday 11/18/09

First time i forgot to blog on the right day. I must of got distracted our sidetrack and forgot to blog yesturday. Well any ways yesturday woke up as normal at 630am to get to school by 730am. It is very cold in the mornings now and i dont wanna get out of bed. In lld1 class we study global warming more and learned about the essay format we should write in. In math19 class we just went over our homework and then took more notes. We also have a exam 4 this friday. In muse class we did our interviews with a senior and peer mentor using the radio broadcast. Our 2nd draft of our scholarly paper is due next wednesday i believe.

Today was fun. My engineering class was canceled so i got to go to the DC (dining commons) food hall. They were having free food from 11am-3pm. Also i am staying at school till 8ish today cause im about to go to a volleyball game.

Ill ttyl cause i gotta finish up my hw.

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