Monday, November 9, 2009

Monday November 9, 2009

Brrr...In the morning today it was really cold and i didnt want to get out of bed at 630am. I had LLD1 class at 730am so needed to get up. It was freezing! Anyways i actually got to school earlier than usual today for some reason. In LLD1 class today we got back our essays from LDC and went over the next essay prompt for our final topic on Global Warming. I forgot my booket so i had to share with a friend. BTW on my essay i got back i improved by 1 point from a 2 to a 3. I think everyone improved because i asked my friend Alex and he said he got one point higher too. Anyways after class i did some homework in clark hall with Alex. Then it was to my Math19 class which it was hard for me to stay awake in and we just went over new material and took a interesting quiz at the end of class. Next i went to my Muse class which no one was really in. Half the class was missing and people where like leaving. Also i found out Friday was a furlough day and we have wednesday off because of Vet's day. So i only have 2 more days of class left. In muse class we made sure everyone has seen an advisor and hows how to add classes for spring semester. also we went over scholarly paper and radio podcast. Later that day just did my normal work out and saw loc. then picked up brother and now at home chilling.

For my weekend, it was okay. Sunday went to my friend's Ed's charity BBQ in Gilroy at Performance art. Kinda of a low turnout but it was all good. Just a place to chill with friends and do photoshoots. haha. My friend Andy rolled down with me on his r6. Rest of the weekend just slept and did homework. Cant wait for next weekend though cause of HellaFlush event on saturday! =D

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