Monday, November 30, 2009

November 30 2009 Monday

What i tiring weekend. Starting from Wednesday night i had to go to Vans shoe outlet at great mall because that was our training for Friday. My friend job my a one day job at Vans because they need more help on Black Friday. So on Wednesday night i had training from 8pm-10pm and didnt get home till about 11ish. On Thrusday it was thanksgiving and i just slept the whole day and ate a turkey dinner my mom made because at midnight i had to go to great mall to work. Lucky my dad drove me to great mall because there was no way i was gonna make it on time to work and find a space. The mall was packed with people and long lines. My dad even had to drop me off at the stoplight because he couldnt get in to the parkinglot. It was that crowded. And in the mall it was packed to. As soon as i got to Vans, my manager put me straight to work because people were starting to shoplift. This was my first experience working and it was tiring. I had to stand the whole 8 hours from 12-830am. I didnt take any breaks and only had a quick 30 minuite lunch. Vans store was very crowded and i saw lots of my friends come in. I learned it is hard work to earn so little money. As soon as i got off work, i went home and slept. Then later that night my family and i went to my grandparents house to have thanksgiving. It was soo good. Then friday night i got a call from Vans saying they need help on saturday from 6am till whenever. I said okkay and i went to sleep early and got up on saturday morning at 5am. The store was a mess when we got in at 630am. Our job was clean it up and the manager said we made about $35000, we are the one of the top 10 stores in the mall. After that the rest of my weekend i just slept or did homework.

today woke up at 630am to get to my lld1 class at 730am. on my way to school my car seemed a bit different. i could shift gears. in my lld1 class foundout my final is this saturday. in math class we did our normal stuff and in muse class went over scholoaly paper and someother stuff. later im goin to the st. marys bball game at sjsu and work out.

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