Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday 11-16-09

For muse class i need to make 5 or so questions to ask a peer mentor. This will be for our radio project. Also we need to work on our scholarly paper. Professor Dan has looked over some of them and sent it back to us. 2nd draft is due this friday. Update our blog sites with adsense, Facebook, etc. Think about what we should do for our final. Email Jose Z. my questions for peermentor. Our final is on Tuesday December 15 945-12noon.

Questions for Peer Mentor:
1. Was this your first choice in college? why or why not?
2. How did your freshman year go? Did you get involved? Do you regret anything?
3. What are some of the clubs, events, etc. to attend while i am still a freshman?
4. Why are you a peer mentor?
5. What are some pitfalls we freshman should look out for? both academic and social?

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