Monday, November 2, 2009

Monday November 2, 2009

Didnt get much sleep yesturday night because i was waiting for my video to upload on youtube. it took freaking forever. and i ended up just turning off my computer and watching it the today. Anyways my weekend was okay. Friday i had work as usual and i had to stay the whole time till 930pm. We had megabite pizza and there was one incident where my friend Dom, the head ref in our league kicked out an angry coach that wanted to protest. It was crazy. seems like always all the chaos happens when i ref. ahha. On saturday it was halloween. In the morning i went to santana row with my dad and met my friends don and harry there. It was their exotic car meet. Saw some really nice cars. like ferraris 16M scudaria. nsx's and much more. also the founder of Monster Cables was there in his 2 ferraris. pretty sick. i should of took a picture with him. After that we went to redwood city to eat dim sum with my grandparents. Came back home and i stayed home and did homework while my brother went out with his friends trick or treating. On sunday we went shopping and then came home and i work on my video project. also we had to turn our clocks back and we got an extra hour of sleep. also i got some freshjive jeans. my first pair of fitted jeans. haha

today was just a regular day of school. LLD1 we just went over our final prompt on global warming. in math19 i had no idea what i was doing on the homework. hard stuff. we took a quiz which i though was kinda easy. i got my exam back and i finally passed and got credit for my exam. in muse class we went to the conversion with the president because prof. dan wasnt there.

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