Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday 11/23/09

Its midday right now and im just chilling with Nate in the MLK library at sjsu. I just got out of my muse class about 15 minutes ago. On Friday i got my paycheck from easyhoops bball league. What a tiring day i had to refee 4 games in a row but then we went out to round table pizza. I also got to see my cousins 350z. On saturday i went to my brothers bball pratice in the morning and then went to my cousins bday party in redwood city. On sunday i just stayed home the whole day and tryed to do some homework but mainly i just surfed the net, washed my car, and watch the music awards. Today in lld1 class we took our last in class essay about the california drivers test should be changed. We also have a furlough day on wednesday for lld1. In math class went went over homework and took new notes. On wednesday we will get back our exams and have free food in class. In muse class we went over job or careers and we will have no class on wednesday. I am suppose to attach the radio broadcast on my blog. For the rest of the day i think i am going to stay in the library to get done some homework and then hopefully later i can work out.

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