Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wednesday 10/28/09

Today was the first day in a long time that i had to wake up soo early. For the last couple of days i have been sleeping in but today i had to wake up at 630am. Its hard for me to wake up because outside it is still dark. The drive to school wasnt too bad as usual. I got to school and my LLD1 professor was kinda late. In LLD1 class our professor lectured about the problems we had on our essay number 2. The problem was with our analysis part of our essay. Our homework in that class is to rewrite our essay if you want to, also find facts and info about global warming which is our final exam essay prompt. After class i went to my academic advisor to take off my hold and then i went to interview a engineering student for my engr8 class. In my math19 class we went over the homework as usual, got back our homework, and took notes. In muse class today our professor wasnt not here but we still had class because our peer mentor was here. We just went over some stuff on the agenda and things that are going to be due. I then went to go work out and then had to pick up my brother.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Interview Peer Mentor

Jennifer Piozet. Senior. Interior design.
1. How has their college experience been different from what they planned?
She responded by saying," I have been here a lot longer than planned. I will graduate in five years instead of four years. Also dealing with the budget cuts, its stiffer to pay for things. College has more freedom and no one tells you, you have to do your homework or study for an exam. Many students learn to manage their money in college."
2. Did their major changed?
Jennifer responded: My major did change. First I started with biological forensic science and then changed into interior designs. I did this change freshman year second semester because I realized it wasn't a creative outlet and didn't want to become a police officer.
3. What would they do differently?
Her response was: I would of taken more classes in the beginning, I can take less classes later on. Also i would of seen an advisor sooner and would of gotten involved sooner. Getting involved will help you because you will find people with the same goals as you in graduating.
4. What advice do they have for freshman?
Jennifer said: Get your G.E. out of the way. Make sure to see an advisor regularly, at least once a semester. Make sure your on track to graduate and lock in on a major early. Talk to professors and students in the major you are interested in to get feedback and opinions. Also look at the possible careers that that major can give you. Junior year, try to get an internship and start networking because it is a great chance to get a job. Get involved in at least one club but it all depends on what type of person you are. If you join A.S. you proably shouldn't have another social club outside of school because you will just be having too much fun. Try either to join a academic club at school and use outside of school for socializing with friends or enjoying your hobbies. Working on campus is nice because hours are flexible and you meet lots of new people around school.

Oct 26, 2009 Monday

Today i didnt have class for my LLD1 class because my teacher told us that she would free up 2 class days just for office hours to go talk to her one-on-one. I have already went last Wednesday so i decided not to go today. It felt good to sleep in today. The only thing was though, i should of woke up early to cram up for my Exam 3 for math19. The exam seems okay. I feel like i did pretty good. In Muse class today we are creating google adsense. Make sure comment moderation is on. Also the scholarly paper is due on Nov 2. The video project is still due this wednesday for extra credit. Prof. Dan will not be back till next thrusday because he is going out of town.

This weekend was mainly studying and doing homework. On saturday i woke up at 1030am and from 1030am-all nite i worked on homework. I was going to go to my friends party but decided not to. On Sunday i worked on more homework and then went to Cycle Gear with my friend Sean. afterwards we cruzed downtown and then went to santana row. In santana row they had some Cadililac event going on.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Oct 21, 2009 Wednesday

Slept kinda late yesturday cause i was busy with homework and helping organizing some car stuff. Woke up early today about 630am, but i didnt have LLD1 class today, but instead i had to go to my professor's office to go over my essay. I actually did very well on the essay, the only part i have to work on is adding the author's words in the analysis. In math class we went over our homework and had a quiz on chapter 4.3-4.5. The quiz was actually kinda difficult. Our professor didnt really teach us how to do this kind of problem. In muse class we went over the Midterm that i have to take online and turn in on blackboard by Monday. Then Professor Dan lectured a little on test taking and networking. The group video project is due next week and our group hasnt started it yet. I might just end up doing it by myself. Later today i an doing a photoshoot with my friends. Im going to shoot a custom 335, black gtr, white gtr, and rsx. I cant wait!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Monday October 19, 2009

Today went by really fast even though i didnt have class today because sjsu had a school wide furlough day. I woke up around 10am ish and it was freaking raining. i was like WTH. I had just washed my car on friday. Anyways i then got a call from my friend John Thien. He wanted to see if i wanted to work out at sjsu today. I was like yeah, I would like to go. So he picked me up and on the way there was hella fire trucks and paramedics. I also seen a car that flipped over. We worked out for about 1hour and 30minutes. I finally got to work out my arms since my strain in my arm was gone. It was actually pretty crowded for being no class today. When i got home I orgainized pictures from the weekend car show in pleasanton. Then i went to pick up my brother. I didnt get to go to my brothers tryouts because i had to much homework and studying to do. I hate this kind of weather when it is rainy, then hot, then windy, then cold. wtheck.

My weekend was fun I went to a car show at plesanton lexus. It was pretty good turnout. Lots of cars. I took over 300 pictures and met lots of new people. I might post up some pictures later.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wednesday Oct 14,2009

The rain yesturday was crazy. everywhere i went was flooded and full of water. Driving to school i had to drive hecka slow. I like it actually better when it rains because people have to drive slower or otherwise the will kill themselves. In LLD1 class today we had our 2nd essay prompt to write about. also today i finally passed my Gateway exam for math19. I got 11/12 on my second try. In muse class today we talked about our video project, midterm, and scholarly paper. Next monday we are going to have a furlough day and that is the day we are thinking about working on our video project. We need to check out a camera from the IRC. The midterm is going to be take home next wednesday on the readings from the book. The rough draft of the scholarly paper is due on november 7 i think.
also If we video log for about 30secs we get extra credit.

Monday, October 12, 2009

10/12/09 Monday

Today i woke up at 630am to my dad tellin me to get up. It was really hard to get up today. my eyes just wouldnt open up. ahha. Got to school and in my LLD1 class got my homework and learned about essay writing. We have another writing exam this wednesday to see how we improved. In math class i got my exam 2 back which i didnt do so well in. I was kinda pissed off because i thought i did good. we also had our quiz 4 today. Also the internet was down for a while today at sjsu and the MLK library was closed to. In muse class we talked more about the video project and learned about prof. dan's life. he told us that 1/3 of the teachers and 1/3 of the classes are going to be cut next semester. He will also be laidoff. The rest of the day i was thinking it was going to rain, but i heard it is gonna pour tomorrow.

Friday, October 9, 2009

SJSU moviefest! oct 9, 2009

Today i went to the SJSU campus moivefest at Morris Daily Auditoruim. The doors opened at 7pm and the show started at 730pm. I didnt get to go till about 8pm because i had work. I went with my friend Loc and when we walked closer to the event we saw those big lights that they shine in the sky to draw attention and it was coming from this moviefest. As we walked up the steps they laid out the red carpet making it like the academy awards. It was sorta cool also because they had real tickets from ticketmaster and the auditoruim looked very new or they were improving it. I never went into this building before. We had to sit on the balcony because we can in late and they wouldnt let up sit down low. But it was all good. When we sat down they were already playing a film. I didnt really understand it becuase i didnt watch the beginning. But they showed 4 films at a time and had intermissions in between. 2 guys would come out and talk, give out free stuff, or just advertise. I think they were the people in charge of this event. I really like the funny movies and i hated the boring ones. i cant believe they choose those ones to be shown to us. each movie was different and had lots of cool effeects and were made like real movies. It kinda motivated me to try this one day. In the end we stayed till the awards and then left. I got to watch about 12 movies and each of them were about 4-5 mins long.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Video Project Script

Intro: have previews? title: The Match? prologue? have pictures, videos of boxing ring, checkers, chess, boxer 1, trophies, awards, flashback, gloves, shoes, etc Music: something intense

Beginning: Boxer 1 walks through a vacant alley way. the setting is dark, gloomy, cold. Camera man focuses in on boxer walking and the location. There is a trainer leaning/sitting in a corner awaiting for Boxer 1 to walk by him. trainer is wearing dark clothes and looks suspious. Camera man zooms in on the look on trainers face.

Trainer: Hey Son, you interested in doing my a favor?
Boxer1: in a confronted way- what?
trainer: I need someone to help me win this battle. Its a rivial match.
Boxer1: what do i need to do?
trainer: just listen to my intructions. ill give you all the training you need to survive.
Boxer1: ahh...aight than.

Transitions to boxing training room.

trainer and boxer1 train crazy. camera man shows boxer running, lifting, doing polymetrics, eating right, etc.

Trainer: Push it son....Dont give up...
Boxer 1: in pain.

Transitions to official rivial match.

The lights and area. The music is intense. the roar of the crowd. Boxer one gets pumped up in the locker room. he puts on his gear and the trainer tells him your the chosen one. As the boxer one walks out to the ring, he sees his competitor.

As boxer 1 walks up onto the ring he notices a table with a chess board on it!
Boxer 1: What the F*ck!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wednesday Oct 7,2009

today i actually felt more energy today. i wasnt as tired as used to be waking up at 630am and then trying to stay awake in class. i think my 5 hour nap yesturday help. well as usually i went to my LLD1 class, learned how to find the thesis statement in an essay. this will help me prepare for the final exam essay i will have to write and pass. In math 19 we went over homework problems and then took notes on the new section. We couldnt get our exams back because someone hadnt taken it yet. last class of the day was my muse class. we watch prof. dan make a movie. from filming, editing, and posting it on youtube. our homework is to write the script for our short skit/film, get a youtube account, blog 100 word about video project, update tips and tricks, and go to the campus moviefest on friday.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Monday October 5, 2009 was a hard day to get back into school because my family and i just came back from reno. we were in reno because my brother had a basketball tournment for the san jose Ninjas. It was pretty fun because i havnt went to reno since i was a little kid. Also we stayed at the circus circus and it was also snowing on the way back home. My brothers team took the whole tournment too. It was a great bonding experience for the team and lots of memories. Friday i didnt have to go to work because we left early to go to reno. we hit some traffic but got there in 5 hours at around 9pm. Its been awhile since i went to reno and the last time i went was when i was very little. Now that im older i find that reno has a bunch of weird people. The weather throughout the weekend was hot, then cold, and windy. On saturday my brother had 2 games and they won both. Afterwards we went to eat at the Gecko BBQ which was really good. Then my brothers coach kinda drank too much and was getting kinda drunk. It was funny though..cause the team was making fun of him and making him spend all his money on the midway games at circus circus. we stayed up that night till midnight. the next day everyone was tired and their coach had a hangover. He also couldnt find his car and he was late to the game. But lucky they won the game, which their coach wassnt even feeling the victory cause he was hungover.
today was very tiring. my body was all worn out. i also had a math exam today. ahh. after school i ran 2miles and then went to my brother's bball practice.,