Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wednesday 10/28/09

Today was the first day in a long time that i had to wake up soo early. For the last couple of days i have been sleeping in but today i had to wake up at 630am. Its hard for me to wake up because outside it is still dark. The drive to school wasnt too bad as usual. I got to school and my LLD1 professor was kinda late. In LLD1 class our professor lectured about the problems we had on our essay number 2. The problem was with our analysis part of our essay. Our homework in that class is to rewrite our essay if you want to, also find facts and info about global warming which is our final exam essay prompt. After class i went to my academic advisor to take off my hold and then i went to interview a engineering student for my engr8 class. In my math19 class we went over the homework as usual, got back our homework, and took notes. In muse class today our professor wasnt not here but we still had class because our peer mentor was here. We just went over some stuff on the agenda and things that are going to be due. I then went to go work out and then had to pick up my brother.

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