Monday, October 12, 2009

10/12/09 Monday

Today i woke up at 630am to my dad tellin me to get up. It was really hard to get up today. my eyes just wouldnt open up. ahha. Got to school and in my LLD1 class got my homework and learned about essay writing. We have another writing exam this wednesday to see how we improved. In math class i got my exam 2 back which i didnt do so well in. I was kinda pissed off because i thought i did good. we also had our quiz 4 today. Also the internet was down for a while today at sjsu and the MLK library was closed to. In muse class we talked more about the video project and learned about prof. dan's life. he told us that 1/3 of the teachers and 1/3 of the classes are going to be cut next semester. He will also be laidoff. The rest of the day i was thinking it was going to rain, but i heard it is gonna pour tomorrow.

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