Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wednesday Oct 14,2009

The rain yesturday was crazy. everywhere i went was flooded and full of water. Driving to school i had to drive hecka slow. I like it actually better when it rains because people have to drive slower or otherwise the will kill themselves. In LLD1 class today we had our 2nd essay prompt to write about. also today i finally passed my Gateway exam for math19. I got 11/12 on my second try. In muse class today we talked about our video project, midterm, and scholarly paper. Next monday we are going to have a furlough day and that is the day we are thinking about working on our video project. We need to check out a camera from the IRC. The midterm is going to be take home next wednesday on the readings from the book. The rough draft of the scholarly paper is due on november 7 i think.
also If we video log for about 30secs we get extra credit.

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