Monday, October 26, 2009

Oct 26, 2009 Monday

Today i didnt have class for my LLD1 class because my teacher told us that she would free up 2 class days just for office hours to go talk to her one-on-one. I have already went last Wednesday so i decided not to go today. It felt good to sleep in today. The only thing was though, i should of woke up early to cram up for my Exam 3 for math19. The exam seems okay. I feel like i did pretty good. In Muse class today we are creating google adsense. Make sure comment moderation is on. Also the scholarly paper is due on Nov 2. The video project is still due this wednesday for extra credit. Prof. Dan will not be back till next thrusday because he is going out of town.

This weekend was mainly studying and doing homework. On saturday i woke up at 1030am and from 1030am-all nite i worked on homework. I was going to go to my friends party but decided not to. On Sunday i worked on more homework and then went to Cycle Gear with my friend Sean. afterwards we cruzed downtown and then went to santana row. In santana row they had some Cadililac event going on.

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