Monday, October 5, 2009

Monday October 5, 2009 was a hard day to get back into school because my family and i just came back from reno. we were in reno because my brother had a basketball tournment for the san jose Ninjas. It was pretty fun because i havnt went to reno since i was a little kid. Also we stayed at the circus circus and it was also snowing on the way back home. My brothers team took the whole tournment too. It was a great bonding experience for the team and lots of memories. Friday i didnt have to go to work because we left early to go to reno. we hit some traffic but got there in 5 hours at around 9pm. Its been awhile since i went to reno and the last time i went was when i was very little. Now that im older i find that reno has a bunch of weird people. The weather throughout the weekend was hot, then cold, and windy. On saturday my brother had 2 games and they won both. Afterwards we went to eat at the Gecko BBQ which was really good. Then my brothers coach kinda drank too much and was getting kinda drunk. It was funny though..cause the team was making fun of him and making him spend all his money on the midway games at circus circus. we stayed up that night till midnight. the next day everyone was tired and their coach had a hangover. He also couldnt find his car and he was late to the game. But lucky they won the game, which their coach wassnt even feeling the victory cause he was hungover.
today was very tiring. my body was all worn out. i also had a math exam today. ahh. after school i ran 2miles and then went to my brother's bball practice.,

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