Monday, October 26, 2009

Interview Peer Mentor

Jennifer Piozet. Senior. Interior design.
1. How has their college experience been different from what they planned?
She responded by saying," I have been here a lot longer than planned. I will graduate in five years instead of four years. Also dealing with the budget cuts, its stiffer to pay for things. College has more freedom and no one tells you, you have to do your homework or study for an exam. Many students learn to manage their money in college."
2. Did their major changed?
Jennifer responded: My major did change. First I started with biological forensic science and then changed into interior designs. I did this change freshman year second semester because I realized it wasn't a creative outlet and didn't want to become a police officer.
3. What would they do differently?
Her response was: I would of taken more classes in the beginning, I can take less classes later on. Also i would of seen an advisor sooner and would of gotten involved sooner. Getting involved will help you because you will find people with the same goals as you in graduating.
4. What advice do they have for freshman?
Jennifer said: Get your G.E. out of the way. Make sure to see an advisor regularly, at least once a semester. Make sure your on track to graduate and lock in on a major early. Talk to professors and students in the major you are interested in to get feedback and opinions. Also look at the possible careers that that major can give you. Junior year, try to get an internship and start networking because it is a great chance to get a job. Get involved in at least one club but it all depends on what type of person you are. If you join A.S. you proably shouldn't have another social club outside of school because you will just be having too much fun. Try either to join a academic club at school and use outside of school for socializing with friends or enjoying your hobbies. Working on campus is nice because hours are flexible and you meet lots of new people around school.

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