Wednesday, September 30, 2009

100 word blog about video project

So today in class we went over meta tags and html. Also we got into groups for our video project. Our video can be about anything. It should be at least 30seconds to 3 minutes long. We will then post it on Youtube and compete for the most views. The ideas of videos we came up with is having a rivial boxing match with an interesting twist at the end. We also brainstormed a 2 on 2 basketball rivial game too. We are still in the cooking process of finding what our video should be based on. I think we should do something that draws attention and keeps the viewer interested. Maybe something funny or action.

My day went okay. In LLD1 class we went over essay stuff and got new vocab homework. Next in math class we went over the homework which i thought my professor didnt teach that well. So in class that day we had a lot of questions. Also we have a exam2 on Monday. I really need to study and do well on that exam to get my grade up. In muse class went went over our video project and prof. Dan went over meta tags and htmls. After class i went to work out and ran 2 miles. Then went home to pick up my brother and then went to his bball practice. Then the rest of the time i studied and relaxed.

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