Wednesday, September 9, 2009

09/09/09 Wednesday 3rd wek of sjsu.

Today was an meet new people day for me. It was hard for me to wake up for my 730am class, but i pushed myself out of bed and made it to school. LLD1 class today was kinda boring, i was falling asleep in class. It was hard for me to stay awake. After class, i stayed in Clark Hall and studied and did my hw with Alex. After that i went to my Math19 class. Got back my quiz that i didnt want to see because that quiz was so wack. Then went to my Muse class, which we met in the library to learn about the features of the new MLK library. After class i went to meet the person in charge of the Spartan Daily. I was interested in being a photographer. Then i went to work out in the fitness center. I ran 3miles and lifted weights for about an hour. Went home and picked up my bro. Then went back to sjsu with Loc and Justin for the AFE engineering social. We had free pizza and i met alot of new people. It was fun.

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