Monday, September 21, 2009

Muse Workshop "Are you hitting the goal mark"

Today Monday September 21,2009 at 1:30pm I attended my first Muse Workshop in Clark hall. The room that we were suppose to be in had another workshop in there and they said they are going to be longer than expected so we went in to the "C" room near the entrance of Clark Hall. There was a lot of students that wanted to sit in this workshop, about 30 or so and the room was packed. Most of the students had to sit on the floor including me. Our instructors were Rich and Jen which are both counselors. The topic that we investigated was goals. We were expected to participate a lot. Some of the questions that were discussed were: What is your goal? What is a goal to you? What are some goals you achieved? failed? How did you achieve the goal? How did it make you feel? What motivate you? Lots of these questions we discussed as a group or with a partner. I also learned an acronym called SMART meaning Specific Measurable Action oriented Realistic Timely. This is used in choosing your goal.


  1. Glad you attended the workshop! Did you enjoy it? The first workshop i went to was about campus resources and we had a clicker quiz and played jeopardy. Fun stuffs :D

  2. it was okay. I wasnt really interested in goals, but i needed to attend one and the time was prefect.
