Monday, September 21, 2009

Monday September 21,2009

This is my 5th week of school and its been going pretty good expect for my horrible test and quiz scores in math19. Today is also the last day of summer. My day went pretty well today. Same old, same old stuff. Wake up 7am to get to my LLD1 class at 730am and then go to my math19 class and finally ended my day in my MUSE class. After school today i went to my first MUSE workshop about goals. I didn't get to work out today because i had to pick up my brother but ill work out later at his bball practice.

btw here is a poem we worked on in MUSE class today:

Shy, Optimistic, Chinese, Friendly
Asian People
Family, School Work, Car
Tired, Normal, Chill
Money, Internet, Car
Companionship, Help, Support
Killing, Death, Failure
Happiness, Laughter, Fun
San Jose Glen Ferguson Circle

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