Friday, September 11, 2009

Exploring the SJSU MLK library

On Wednesday September 9, 2009 my Muse class met in the MLK library to learn more about the resources that are avaliable to us. Actually i never new that the library had so many different rooms that can be used as classrooms, like the one that we were in. The librarian taught us mainly a lot of things that the can provide us with. I learned that if we already have a sjlibrary card, we should try to combine our SJSU ID and SJ public library card ID because there are benefits that sjsu students can get than just the normal library card can get. On the library website you can look up your librarian of your major and text or instant message them too. There are also many online articles and datebases that can be used, but be carefull about outdated online resources, that is why going to the library in person and looking there text is better. Looking up the book that you want is also avalible online to; you can check when it will should be back on the shelve or reserve it. The sjlibrary website can get pretty confusing to use, so get familar with it by using it a lot.

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