Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

Lots of stuff happened over the 3 day weekend,but ill sum it up quick. On friday i had only on Math19 from 1030am-1150am but we had a wack quiz that i study hecka for and there wasnt anything i study for on the quiz. After class i worked out wit justin at sjsu. I ran 3 miles on the treadmill and lift some weights. Went to MPHS to workout some more and then later that night went to play ball at sjsu wit my coach and kevin. Then me and kevin went to Roscoe's party. On Saturday i went to my bro's Ninja bball game at OG. After the game wit to eat some good pizza at High Five at the Sports Complex, then after went to the Spartan Rider tech day. Then went to Loc's bday party at his house. Then went back to watch the second game of my bro's bball tournment at OG. Later that night went to Movie night social for my bro's bball tournment and watched Fast n Furious 4 wit mom, but no one else showed up. On Sunday went to my bro's last game which they loss at OG. they went 1-2 in the tournment. I also had to video tape the games for the coach. After that i went to car show wit Mandeep, Ed, and Jesse. We showed off our cars at the local East Valley Church on Flint rd. After the show we all went to do rollin shots. Photos where taken by Ed. Today was just a chill day. Stayed home and ate BBQ that my dad BBQ yesturday and studied and did hw.

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