Thursday, September 17, 2009

Chapter 3 Be a Great Time Manager

How strong is your current ability to manage time effectively?
-I use a paper or an electronic planner to manage my time effectively.
-I regularly set priorities in managing my time.
-I complete daily to do list.
-I treat my academic commitment as a serious job.
-The time I spend on academics equals or exceeds the time i spend on leisure, play,recreation, sports, and watching TV or surfing the Internet.

Chapter 3 is about managing your time wisely and dividing it between school and leisure. Dont not waste time and manage your time effectively by not stressing out, be productive, have great self-esteem, have a balance life, and reach your goals. Set values and have a plan for each week, day, month, etc. Make sure your analysis your process to make sure you are doing good or bad. Never procrastinate!

I, Arlin Wong am going to get tutored and study harder for or by going to Peer Mentor Center, LARC, or asking a friend at least twice a week to help me. I will monitor my progress by watching my grades. I will evaluate my progress every week with my support person, Professors or mentorers. If i stick with this plan and rach my goal, I will reward myself with ability to go to more car meets or motorcycle rides.

Five values that are most important to me:
1. Concentration
2. Determination
3. Stay in great health
4. Great good grades and do hw
5. Confidence

Review Questions:
1. Becoming a great time manager can help you control your life because in the working field there will always be times where you are busy and you need to manage your time wisely. For example you might have work to be done at your job, then you have to eat, watch your kids, do chores, do maintance on your car or house, pay bills, etc.
2.Some good strategies for staying on time to reach your goals in to not procrastinate and have a to do list.
3. The advice i would give to someone that wants to create a term planner, weekly planner or to do list would be to USED IT.
4. Good strategies for tackling procrastination is to do things ahead of time. Get ahead so you will not be overloaded with work and stressed in the long run. Put things that are less important out of your way.
5. You can balance your academic responsibilities with all of the other demands in your life by doing what is important first and alternating fun stuff with study stuff.

Know Yourself:
I spend to much time on the internet and loitering around wasting time. I spend to little time reading, studying, and doing my homework detailed.

Your Journal:
A habit that is hurting me right now is spending way to much to on the interent. I use the internet in the wrong way because most of the time it isnt for academic reasons.

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