Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sept 23 Wednesday

As usually i had to wake up early for my 730am class. I hate waking up soooo early. I was kinda late for my 730am class because i was taking too much time at home getting ready and i left a little later than usually. Lucky my professor wasnt there because the dvd player that we were suppose to use didnt work, so she went to get a new one. We waited 15 mins till she came back so i was all good. Math19 was the usual. And in my Muse class today we finished the lecture about the scholarly paper and than went into groups and discussed the stuff below.

writers block/plagarism
-taking a break fro 10-15mins
-aviod myspace/facebook
-talk to professor
-def:taking someone elses words as won
-cite resources
-dont procrastinat
-unaware vs awake

Accidental vs. Purposeful
-site works
-int. students at rish at plagarism
some cultures allow it
give credit
Prevent Plagiarism
-MLA Format
-Protect your own work

Types of speaking opprotunities
-delivering a researched postition
-extemproanceeous speedch
Writing a good Speech
-relate to the audience
-define a purpose
-building a message
Choosing a Topic
Keep your audience interested
-dont overwhelm your audience with statistics and facts.
Choosing topics
-realte to the audience
-talk about hings that interest you
-have a strong standpoint

-Dont stutter
-know what you are talking about
-eye contact
-dont read from notes
-"umms"and "ahh" dont use them
-dont turn back to audience
powerpoints, no paragraphs, use bulletpoints.

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