Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Chapter 9 Express Yourself

Where i stand right now:
-I seek criticism from other people to improve the quality of my work.
-I can design and execute projects involving research.
-I pursue opportunities to practice effective communication skills.

This chapter is about different ways of communicating. You need to know your goals. Most of the chapter talks about writing. It says to brainstorm, ask questions, free write , and do research when choosing a topic. Have a thesis and gather sources. Organize by making a outline and make a rough draft. Make sure you have people revise and check it over many times. Another topic this chapter discusses is speaking and speech skills.

Review Questions:
1. A couple of ways that good writing and speaking skills can improve your job performance is when in an interview you will be able to speak to your boss with no fear and confidence. Also good writing reflects on your education and most employers want employees that have been educated.

2. The thesis statement is the topic on which you agree or disagree on and it is what your essay or paper is about.

3. It is important because it states your opinion or side that you are on and you are suppose to reflect off this.

4. Students should avoid plagiarism because using work that other people published is like stealing from them. You also don't learn about what you are studying or researching. To make sure you don't plagiarize look at many different references and take notes. Then combine it in your own words.

5. Some typical problems you might face in giving formal speeches is stuttering, shaking, loss of memory, sweat, and other signs of nervousness. You can overcome them by knowing what you are talking about. Be very familiar with what you are trying to get across. Pretend that everyone is your friends.

6. Some ways to recover from disappointing performances in communication to learn from your mistakes. If you never make mistakes how will you ever learn to be better.

Know Yourself
What are my writing strengths: making a web, getting ideas down
What do you need to improve: quoting author, giving credit, staying on topic, grammer, sentence structure, puctuation, organization, and repeating words.
IS this pattern typical of your writing projects? yes
What strategies will help you improve? going to the LDC, reading study writing, and going to my professor for help
Would it beuseful to consult with the campus writing center: YES

Your Journal
REFLECT on a bad speech:
the speech was unsatisfying when the speaker started rambling and stayed in monotone voice.
The speaker never made any attempt to correct the failing outcome during the speech.
I feel sorry for the person because everyone was laughing or sleeping during the speech.
Advice i would give is know more about the topic, get the class involved, ask quesitons, make people think, and dont use monotone voice.

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