Thursday, September 17, 2009

Chapter 2 Master Communication Skills and Build Relationships

These are the areas i believe i am strong in:
-I am a good listener
-I get along with my instructors,
-i have one or more good friends
-I have good relationships with my family
-I get along well with people from other cultural and ethnic groups

Chapter 2 is about communication skills and having good relationships. You should develop great listening skills and avoid too much talking. Use your good communication skills to solve problems and gain new relationships with friends and professors. The diversity of college is way different from high school, so respect other people's styles and traditions.

Review Questions:
1. Strategy: make good eye contact Situation: talking to your professor
Strategy: Do not make excessive body movements and have good body language. Situation: talking to a friend
2. A conflict I'm dealing with now is trying to maintain good grades, do homework, have fun in extra activities, and relax. I need to concentrate and try not to procrastinate. Do not fall behind and if you are struggling, get help as soon as possible to solve the problem.
3. Issue that may occur are less time to study and do homework. More time dealing with family or significant other. Try to prevent this from happening in the first place, but now you will need to divide your time wisely.
4. If you are lonely: get involved with student events or activities, talk to someone like a friend, family member, or mentor.
5. The diversity i encounter at school is quite overwhelming.

Your Journal:
Combat Loneliness-
I went to the AFE club social last week too try to learn more info about the club. It was later in the evening at the student union bowling alley. There was also free food. I got to meet Ian the president of AFE and Randy the president of SAE International. i also got to meet some other students that had the same interests as me. Lastly i gained a better relationship with some classmates in my class that ive seen before but never got to really talk to them.

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