Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday Sept 28, 2009

Ahhh....Well this weekend was pretty good, just only i am feeling sick. freakin sore throat. hecka weksos. I had no class on Friday because my math professor took his furlough day, so instead of doing hw and studying that day, i woke up kinda late and then went to work out at sjsu. then had to go pick up my brodi. In the afternoon and evening i did 2 photoshoots with my friends. my friend Kevin had his eclipse and my friend Mandeep had his camry. Then in the evening i did another photoshoot with my friend Loc and Dyno. Afterwards we went to eat at In-n-out and then i ran into hecka of my friends there. I also got treated for in-n-out because i took the pics for the shoot. thanks guys. After in-n-out we went to Quicklys in milpitas for the weekly s2k meets. For the rest of my weekend i went to the J'gathering JDM car show in Jtown which was pretty good and then did homework and went to my bro's bball practice for ninjas.

Today was another monday as usually. i didnt feel any good today cause i was still feelin sick. In muse class today prof. dan wasnt there so our purementor cindy took over then class. we didnt some pro's and con's about the class and then played games.

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