Monday, September 14, 2009

Monday 9/14/09 4th week of college

Starting with my weekend, On Saturday i had this speed reading class at sjsu that my mom signed me up for. It was pretty good because i actually learned how to read quicker and have a better comprehension. But from the beginning of the day i already had a bad feeling something bad was going to happen. The weather was weird; overcast, hot, muggy, looked like it was going to rain and i was in a weird mood. And in my speed reading class someone had a seizure. It was the craziess and scariest moments in my life. I never witnessed a seisure before. Well after class, my friend Justin and I went to the SJSU vs Utah football game. It was our first every college football game. It was pretty sickk. We didnt stay the whole game but we witnessed 3 fights and lots of other random stuff. On Sunday I had speed reading class again. The bad part about this class is that it is in the middle of the day. Today was normal as usually. Im am going to end here because i need to start my hw.

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